« 玩具专业空运包舱包板 »


分类: 海运出口 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2012年8月17日

Air/sea Freight
Rapid movement of cargo directly to the manufacturing facility or the store shelf is a key component in the logistics solution we can provide. Our air/sea freight department understands this principle and makes it its objective to assist you in the rapid transportation of your time-sensitive cargo by utilizing a core group of key commercial air/sea lines.

Our trucking service is reliable and efficient , Should you need local or national pick-up service you can count on our national trucking network transportation from any point at the most competitive rates. Saintvoyage will provide fast, safe and efficient delivery service.毛皮制品;木制品:(原木、板材、木制餐具等);纸制品:(木浆、废纸等);纺织品:(亚麻、面料、服装等);轻工产品:(鞋、帽等)石材制品:(大理石、镁制品、陶瓷制品、玻璃制品等);贵金属;贱金属制品:(钢材、铸件、铝合金制品、小五金、废钢材等);机械设备:(电机、电器、装载机、车床、轴承等);车辆及零配件;精密仪器;家具;玩具等。




定舱热线手机和微信:13711127975 QQ:1250528657 专业 尽责 价低 有仓库 有报关员 空运 海运