« 国际货代从深圳起步俄克拉荷马城OKLAHOMA CITY »


分类: 货运代理 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2016年4月9日


  根据客户的具体货物以及航线,为您量身打造适用于您的海运方案,降低海运成本,服务功能增强。会站在您的立场为您着想!给您最真诚的建议、最合理的运价、最周到的服务!With 5 years development, we have made great efforts on developing our global network with high quality
worldwide strategic alliance partners. At present, we have successfully expanded our service coverage
over 124 countries and areas, including North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, Middle
East and Mediterranean. With the support of such global network, we are confident to deliver reliable,
comprehensive and cost-effective logistics solutions to customers all over the world.

About HUIN Logo

First “i”,on the head of "i" is a plane. It means we offer air freight service.
Second "i", it is a man who is running. It indicates HUIN's express service is in time.
Third "i", it is a umbrella. It means HUIN supply safe service for all customers.
Red represents staffs in HUIN are always of passion. Green stands for thriving HUIN.




定舱热线手机和微信:13711127975 QQ:1250528657 专业 尽责 价低 有仓库 有报关员 空运 海运