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分类: 东非西非海运 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2016年2月27日

  静冈市自古便是繁荣的东海道沿线的重要都市,也是建立了后来成为日本政治,文化基地的江户幕府的德川家康的本部, 因此静冈市有众多丰富的名胜古迹等历史遗产。除此之外,富于起伏的丘陵地貌呈现出绝美的景观,令人赏心悦目。说到日本不能不提富士山,在绵延伸展于富士山山麓的静冈,到处都可观赏到绝美的富士山景色。静冈市一年四季花开不断,梅花、山茶、杜鹃、柳兰、波斯菊、菊花等,最不可错过欣赏在富士山的绝景衬托下樱花盛开的美景,而在静冈市赏樱的名胜之所随处可见,包括骏府公园、贼机山公园、清水船越堤公园等。这座城市有不少市立的温泉浴场,当您感到旅途劳累的时候,何不悠然自在的好好享受一下温泉浴呢!
Since the founding of H&H, we have achieved double-quick and steady development depending on our domestic & oversea strength, excellent service, credit standing and powerful network.
H&H is a newfashioned international netty freight forwardering & logistics corp. , basing on the aim of developing into an all-around, international, informative and systemic company.H&H has perfect and strong agency network in Amercia,Europe and Southeast Asia. We also have domestic branch agencies in Shanghai, Qingdao, Dalian and Guangzhou,as well as offices in Tanggu, Chengdu, Zhengzhou and Lianyungang who can offer reliable & full range of services to the clients.H&H has also kept good cooperation with many world-famed enterprises for a long time.




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