« Panama集装箱航运公司德国国际托运国际费用要多少钱 »


分类: 货运代理 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2015年9月10日


· 门到门服务:拥有自己的车队,可以及时为货物安排出运。
· 内装箱服务:拥有自己的仓库,同时还提供贴唛、打托、熏蒸等相关服务。
· 海运进口:可提供国外工厂至国内工厂的门到门服务,包括国外出口的订舱、报关、运输和国内进口整箱货物的直提,拼箱货物的拆箱分拨服务,进口货物的调单、清关、报验,以及进口货物转运到内陆各点的运输业务。
· 报关及三检、查验服务:拥有自己专业的报关队伍,丰富的通关经验,保证您的货物及时进出。海运部可操作目前口岸所有贸易方式货物的清关运输工作。(如:外资设备物品、暂时进出口货物、修理物品、退运、保税、转关等业务)with the services covering the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Sichuan etc. The company's main business includes: globally international express, international air transportation, international shipping, global import business and integrated logistic projects for international clients, logistic solutions designed for large customers, mainland-Hong Kong transportation and customs operations, etc. We have signed a long-term friendly cooperation agreement and established a stable business partnership with many famous airlines in the industry, such as UPS, Hongkong PO Bo Li, and UAE (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) EK. We will provide the most comprehensive services including the price system, space snapping up, cargo transshipment, and clearance and delivery, etc.




定舱热线手机和微信:13711127975 QQ:1250528657 专业 尽责 价低 有仓库 有报关员 空运 海运