« LJUBLJANA(斯洛文尼亚)波罗的海布宜诺斯艾利斯塞浦路斯国际物流 »


分类: 散货海运 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2021年12月31日

我们位于 Delfzijl 的物流中心为许多行业提供了机会,其中最近风电行业成为了重要参与者。我们的码头拥有大型存储区,非常适合装载、卸载和转运多种类型的货物。There are two types of duties: delivery duty paid (DDP) and delivery duty unpaid (DDU). With DDP, the company is responsible for all applicable duties and fees. The total is paid upfront by the carrier, and the retailer receives a bill.

In the case of DDU, the recipient (i.e. your customer) must pay the duty. If you go with the second route, make sure it’s extremely, exceptionally, extraordinarily clear on your checkout page!




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